University Partnership

Welcome to our University Partnership Program! We are committed to collaborating with universities to provide valuable opportunities for students to enhance their education and career prospects
What we offer

1. Career Talks

Our Career Talk series brings industry experts and thought leaders to your campus, providing students with insights into various career paths.

These talks are designed to inspire, educate, and help students make informed career choices.

- Duration: 50 mins & 10 Mins Q&A

Learning Outcomes:
  • Trends in Data Science: Understanding data-driven product development, the rise of AI, and the future of Data Science.
  • Deep-dive into Data-driven Growth: Learn the end-to-end product development cycle and how data science plays a key role.
  • Practical Insights: Real-life example of the A/B testing process and its use-case at large tech companies.

2. Case Competitions

Our Case Competitions challenge students to apply their knowledge and problem-solving skills to real-world scenarios.

It's an opportunity for them to showcase their talent, gain practical experience, and compete against peers from other universities

- Duration:
12 hours weekend event (Sat + Sun)

Learning Outcomes:
  • Practical Experience: Gain hands-on skills in solving real data science challenges and presenting insights.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with industry professionals and peers for potential collaborations and job prospects.
  • Resume Boost: Enhance your resume with practical problem-solving and teamwork experience.
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Enhanced student learning experiences

Our partnership focuses on enhanced learning experience for students to foster creativity and critical thinking! 

Access to a network of industry professionals

Our engagement has been thoughtfully crafted to provide a captivating and informative experience. The content is user-friendly, streamlined, and full of valuable insights.

Benefits of Partnering with Us:

Our programs will enhance student learning experiences, equipping them with real-world skills and knowledge.

- Understanding trends in Data Science
- Deep-dive into Data-driven Growth
- Practical Insights
- Practical Experience
- Networking Opportunities
- Resume Boost
Partner With Us

How to Partner

If you are interested in exploring a potential partnership with us, we invite you to book a call with our team to discuss the possibilities further. We believe that collaboration and mutually beneficial partnerships can lead to innovative and enriching experiences for both parties.

During this call, we can:
  • Share more about our organization and the benefits of partnering with us.
  • Listen to your university's specific needs and objectives.
  • Explore how we can tailor a partnership that aligns with your institution's goals.
  • Discuss potential projects, events, or initiatives that could be part of our partnership.
  • Address any questions or concerns you may have.
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